Textile Enzymes

Gentle on Fabric,

Green to the Planet

Eco-Friendly Textile Enzymes for Modern Manufacturing

The fashion industry has long been associated with environmental and social challenges, from excessive water usage and chemical pollution to labor exploitation. As the world seeks more sustainable solutions across various sectors, the concept of circular fashion has gained momentum. One key aspect of circular fashion is the integration of enzymes in textile production, which offers a promising pathway towards a sustainable textile production.

Enzymes in Sustainable Fashion
A Step Towards Circular Textile Economy

Enzymes are natural biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed in the process. In textile production, enzymes are used to perform specific reactions that modify fibers, enhance fabric properties, and offer more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional chemical processes.

Textile enzymes are selected based on their ability to target specific molecules or bonds to achieve desired textile characteristics while minimizing waste and energy consumption. By adopting the enzyme-based technologies in textile processing, producers can achieve a range of effects without resorting to more resource-intensive and environmentally harmful chemical processes.

Eco-Friendly Processing

Enzymes have revolutionized textile processing by replacing energy-intensive and chemical-laden methods. In the dyeing process, enzymes facilitate better dye penetration and fixation, leading to vibrant colors with reduced water and dye consumption. This translates to fewer pollutants in wastewater and a smaller carbon footprint.

Biodegradable Finishes

Biodegradable Finishes: Enzymatic finishing treatments, such as softening and anti-pilling processes, create desirable characteristics in textiles while remaining biodegradable. Unlike synthetic chemicals that can persist in the environment, enzyme-treated textiles break down naturally, aligning with the circular principle of minimizing waste.

Efficient Bioremediation

Textile enzymes also play a role in waste treatment and remediation. For instance, cellulase enzymes that target cellulose, the main component of plant-based fibers like cotton and some forms of synthetic fibers into smaller components that can be repurposed or recycled more effectively to reduce waste water. It offers a solution to the growing concern of textile waste clogging landfills and polluting oceans.

Sustainability Benefits of

Enzymes in Textile Processes

Enzymes play a crucial role in promoting sustainability within textile processes. Their unique properties and targeted actions offer numerous benefits that contribute to more environmentally friendly and responsible practices.

Resource Efficiency

Enzymes can reduce the need for harsh chemicals, high temperatures, and excessive water usage in textile processes. This results in more efficient resource utilization, lower energy consumption, and fewer emissions of greenhouse gas and other pollutants compared to traditional chemical processes.

Chemical Reduction

The use of textile enzymes can replace or minimize the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment and human health. This promotes a safer and cleaner production process.

Waste Water Reduction

Enzymatic treatments often lead to reduced waste generation due to their targeted action. This aligns with circular economy principles by minimizing the amount of material that goes to landfills or incineration.


Enzymes are proteins which are readily and ultimately biodegradable in the environment. They do not accumulate in ecosystems and contribute to a reduction in pollution and environmental harm.

Enzyme Applications in Textile Production Processes

Desizing is a step aimed at removing sizing agents, typically starch-based, applied to yarns and fabrics during weaving. VTR Biotech Amalyase products catalyze the hydrolysis of starch molecules into smaller, soluble sugars. This enzymatic breakdown results in improved fabric quality and facilitates the efficient removal of sizing agents from textiles. Our amalyase enhance the overall sustainability of textile manufacturing by reducing reliance on harsh chemicals, and have a wide pH and temperature ranges.

Stone Washing
Stone washing is a technique used to achieve a worn-in and faded appearance in denim garments. Our cellulases enzymes are premium solutions for denim finishing, they are used to break down and remove the indigo dye on the denim surface, contributing to the fading and distressing effects in stone washing.

Bio Scouring
Our textile enzymes are an effective solution for enhancing the sustainability of textile manufacturing and help you align with the industry's growing commitment to environmental responsibility. Textile enzymes break down naturally into non-toxic components, making them environmentally sustainable. Our textile enzymes generally operate under milder conditions, requiring lower temperatures and shorter processing times compared to conventional chemical treatments. This results in energy savings, contributing to overall energy efficiency in sourcing fabric.

Bio Finishing
Bio-finishing refers to the use of enzymes to modify the surface properties of textiles, enhancing their functional and aesthetic characteristics. Our cellulases are used in bio-finishing to break down and remove microfibers and protruding fibers from the fabric surface, helping prevent pilling by removing loose fibers and preventing them from forming balls on the fabric surface. This contributes to the longevity and quality of the textile.

Bio Bleaching
Bio-bleaching involves the use of enzymes to remove or lighten color impurities from textiles in a more environmentally friendly way compared to traditional chemical bleaching methods. Our cellulases are used to break down and remove color impurities present in the fibers, helping achieve a lighter and more uniform color in the textile. Our cellulases work under milder conditions and gentler on the fibers, this results in energy savings during the textile production, contributing to overall process efficiency.

Bio Polishing
Textile enzymes break down and remove excess fibers, fuzz, and pills from the fabric surface. This results in a smoother and cleaner appearance, giving the fabric a softer feel and making it more comfortable to wear. Biopolishing can lead to improved color brightness, vibrancy, and printability of textiles by removing unwanted fibers and particles from the fabric surface. This allows for better ink adherence during printing processes, resulting in more defined and high-quality prints.

Our Solutions

Cellulases Powder For denim enzymatic washing: Cellulase-based enzymes are used for denim washing at various temperatures, ensuring excellent color retention, and offering a partial or complete alternative to pumice stones. For printing and dyeing hair removal: Effectively and durably reducing pilling and fuzzing, preserving color and fabric integrity, and preventing the formation of fuzzballs.

Cellulases Powder

For denim enzymatic washing: Cellulase-based enzymes are used for denim washing at various temperatures, ensuring excellent color retention, and offering a partial or complete alternative to pumice stones.

Cellulases Powder

For printing and dyeing hair removal: Effectively and durably reducing pilling and fuzzing, preserving color and fabric integrity, and preventing the formation of fuzzballs.

Neutral Cellulases Liquid

Remove fuzzballs quickly, better color retention, minimize fabric damage, and enhance the effectiveness of fuzzball removal.


Enables the rapid and complete decomposition of hydrogen peroxide while tolerating a wide range of temperatures and pH levels.

Scouring Enzyme

Enhances fabric quality by preventing creasing, minimizing damage, and reducing weight loss, leading to improved energy savings and emission cuts.

Desizing enzyme

Effective across a wide temperature range help enhance fabric softness, preserve colors, and provide robust protection for your garments.

Your Trusted Textile Enzymes Manufacturer

Our enzyme solutions are highly customizable. Whether you are seeking cutting-edge enzyme solutions, technical support, or a tailored approach to address your specific needs, connecting with the VTR Biotech team ensures access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction creates a foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship.

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