Enzymes For Pulp & Paper

Crafting Cleaner and Greener Paper Solutions

Innovative Biosolutions
Innovative Biosolutions for

Pulp & Paper Production
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Pulp and paper industry is undergoing a transformative phase driven by a dual commitment to sustainability and operational efficiency. In this era of heightened environmental awareness, we are helping paper mills to minimize carbon footprint while optimizing production processes with our innovative solutions.

We offer various enzymes to be used at different stages of paper production for different purposes. With our enzymes, you can unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, quality, and sustainability of your business.

How Bio-Based Enzymes for Paper Meet Industry Challenges

Conventional papermaking methods have long been associated with resource-intensive processes, relying on harsh chemicals and energy-intensive procedures. The pulp and paper industry is undergoing a shift towards bio-based solutions as alternatives to traditional papermaking, and enzymes play a significant role in this transition.

With our enzyme, you can enhance the efficiency of the pulp and paper manufacturing process while reducing the carbon footprint and environmental impact. It facilitates the recycling of paper products by aiding in deinking and the efficient breakdown of raw materials, such as wood fibers, during the pulping process. This not only conserves valuable resources but also decreases the environmental burden associated with paper production.

By integrating our enzymes into the pulp and paper production cycle, the paper mill can upgrade the papermaking capabilities of wood fibers. The pulp and paper industry can move towards a circular economy model, where resources are conserved, waste is minimized, and the production process aligns with the broader global movement towards sustainability and responsible resource management.

Reduce Energy and Chemical Consumption

Pulp enzymes help break down lignin and facilitate the removal of impurities from raw materials, minimizing harsh chemical usage and energy-intensive processes. It can replace or supplement certain chemicals traditionally used in the pulp and paper manufacturing process, reducing the need for additional chemical treatments.This substitution can result in cost savings and environmental benefits.

Enzymes can also facilitate the removal of contaminants and pitch from pulp, reducing the need for extensive washing and water treatment. This can lead to significant savings in water consumption and the associated costs of water treatment.

A Greener and More Effective Approach to Treat Recycled Fibers

Recycled paper often contains contaminants such as inks, adhesives, and other materials. Removing these contaminants effectively without damaging the fibers is an ongoing challenge for the pulp and paper industry.

Our enzymes for paper can be used to recover waste fibers in a process called enzymatic deinking. It is genetically engineered to function efficiently at high temperatures and alkaline conditions, enabling the breakdown of contaminants. This surpasses the capabilities of traditional chemical processes and ultimately leads to potential energy savings. Our enzymes selectively target ink particles without damaging the paper fibers. This results in higher-quality recycled fiber, which can be used to produce higher-grade paper products.

Enzyme treatment in the pulping process of recycled paper can further decrease the reliance on sodium silicate, preventing pipeline scaling and improving machine maintenance. This process also reduces chemical oxygen demand and chlorine dioxide dosage in wastewater, leading to a more sustainable approach in paper production.

Enzyme application in the paper industry

The Benefits of Using Pulp & Paper Enzymes

Bleaching Enhancement

Recycled Paper Deinking

Fiber Modification


Stickies, Resin and Pitch Control

Drainage and Formation Enhancement

Bleaching Enhancement

Chlorine-based chemicals were used for bleaching pulp, posing environmental concerns. A significant trend in the paper industry involves the adoption of biobleaching processes, where enzymes replace or complement traditional bleaching agents. Our enzyme solutions can produce comparable and even superior results in terms of paper and pulp brightness.

Our ligninolytic enzymes can degrade the complex lignin structure into smaller, more manageable fragments and work synergistically with bleaching agents to reduce the amount of specialty chemicals required for effective bleaching. They have a selective action on lignin and targeted compounds, leaving fiber relatively intact. This selective degradation helps maintain the strength and quality of the fiber, ensuring better paper strength and durability.

Our solutions also offer an environmentally friendly alternative compared to traditional chlorine-based bleaching methods. Their use reduces the reliance on bleaching chemicals, minimizes the formation of toxic byproducts, and contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly bleaching process.

Recycled Paper Deinking

Enzymes play a significant role in the deinking process of recycled paper. Enzymatic deinking involves removing ink and other impurities from waste paper to produce high-quality recycled paper. Our enzymes target specific components of ink, such as pigments and binders, and break them down into smaller molecules. This action helps to detach ink particles from the paper fibers, making it easier for mechanical pulp actions like flotation or washing to separate the ink particles from the fibers, resulting in cleaner recycled pulp.

Fiber Modification

The rapid growth of global e-commerce has placed immense pressure on the paper industry to keep up with heightened customer demands for fiber-based packaging that is both stronger and lighter while striving to remain profitable and competitive in the market.

Our fiber modification enzymatic solutions can enhance fibers strength, reduce refining time, increase interfiber bonding through fibrillation, and improve drainage properties during the papermaking process.

Paper mills can optimize the usage of enzymes to achieve specific modifications in pulp properties, focusing on aspects such as fiber strength, drainage, and refining efficiency. By adjusting the type and amount of enzymes used in the papermaking process, you can tailor the treatment to achieve desired outcomes in the characteristics of the pulp.


Papermaking processes can release VOCs, which can contribute to environmental pollution and affect air quality. Biofiltration in papermaking serves as a sustainable and compliant method for controlling emissions and meeting regulatory requirements. Integrating xylanase into biofilters can contribute to more effective and environmentally friendly methods for air purification or wastewater treatment processes.

With our biofilter enzyme, you can enhance biofiltration systems by accelerating the breakdown of organic pollutants, improving the efficiency of the overall filtration process, and offering a more targeted and adaptable approach to pollutant removal.

Stickies, Resin and Pitch Control

Our paper enzymes manage various contaminants like stickies, resin, and pitch. They aid in the breakdown and removal of these substances to ensure improved quality and efficiency in papermaking processes.

Stickies Control: Stickies are adhesives, glues, or tacky substances that can cause issues during paper production, leading to defects in the paper and machinery. Our stick control enzyme can significantly reduce adhesive deposition, reduce paper breakage, and prevent agglomeration and buildup.

Resin & Pitch Control: Resin and pitch are natural substances in wood that can cause issues such as spots, specks, and defects in the paper, affecting its quality and performance, and equipment fouling. Our enzymatic treatments can significantly reduce the triglyceride content in the resin and pitch, diminishing the occurrence of black spots and holes caused by resin and pitch deposition on the mesh. They prevent deposits on paper machines, decrease downtime required for cleaning, and enhance the overall quality of the final paper product.

Drainage and Formation Enhancement

Our cellulase can break down cellulose in wood pulp fibers. This breakdown helps to loosen and separate fibers, improving the drainage of water through the papermaking mesh or wire. By breaking down and reducing the viscosity of fibers and other materials in the pulp, cellulase facilitate better water removal during the papermaking process and improve drainage results in faster drying times and increased production efficiency.

With our cellulase, you can also optimize the formation of paper by modifying the fiber surfaces. It helps refine the fiber structure, making it more uniform and consistent, which leads to improved paper formation and higher-quality paper sheets.

Our Solutions
Our Tailored Solutions

for Specific Paper Grades

We have recognized the diverse needs of the paper industry, our enzyme solutions are tailored for specific paper grades. Whether you are producing fine printing papers, packaging materials, or specialty grades, our enzyme formulations can be customized to address the unique challenges and requirements of each paper grade, ensuring optimal performance and quality for your needs.

Why Choose us
Why Choose

VTR Biotech

Premium Quality Enzymes

We source, develop, and produce our enzymes with stringent quality control measures. Our products continuously evolve through an iterative process, ensuring it aligns with shifting customer expectations and dynamic market trends. Our products undergo rigorous testing and accurate laboratory analysis to ensure purity, efficacy, and consistency in performance.

Stringent Quality Control

Our manufacturing processes follow the paper industry standards, and our quality control procedures are meticulously implemented at every stage, from sourcing raw materials to the final product.

Batch traceability System

We are completely responsible for the quality of the goods delivered to our customers. Our robust batch traceability process allows us to respond to recalls quickly and efficiently.

Performance Assurance

Our products are engineered to meet the most demanding challenges in paper manufacturing. They are designed and tested to deliver exceptional performance.

Customer Satisfaction

We provide responsive customer support, technical expertise, and customized solutions that cater to your unique requirements within the paper and pulp manufacturing processes.

Technical Support
VTR Biotech Technical Support
We are your reliable partner in achieving operational excellence, sustainability, and superior quality in paper production.

In the realm of industrial microbiology for enzyme production, our researchers and biotechnologists focus on optimizing microbial strains, cultivation conditions, and fermentation processes to maximize enzyme yields and efficiency in paper production. This involves genetic engineering, strain improvement, and fermentation optimization to enhance enzyme production rates and the overall economics of enzyme manufacturing.

We are providing technical assistance to our customers, ensuring that our enzymatic treatment for pulp and paper meets your specific needs and requirements. We tailor enzyme based solutions to individual client challenges, offering personalized support to improve your paper production efficiency. Should you encounter any issues or have queries regarding enzyme applications, our technical support team is available to provide assistance, troubleshooting, and guidance to resolve any challenges.